The New "Normal"

My "normal" now is not that normal. At least what it used to be like last year. I'm trying to make it somewhat normal now. For Olivia. My "normal" now is Olivia and I all the time. It used to be Patrick and I. Anywhere I go, Olivia is generally with me. Which is great with me. We make a good team! Our friend, Meg Licht made this for O. I only have time to myself on my hour long commute for work. I don't have Patrick there to take our daughter when I would need it. If I would want to go out with friends for the night, they can all just say, "Oh, I'll just have my husband watch the kids so I can go." I don't have that option. I have family in town that will watch her, but they watch her all week while I'm at work. You don't really want to take advantage of them too much to help with Olivia. I knew there would be a change in things when she was born, but I thought Patrick was going to be here for all of this....