Christmas in Tyrone

I know I know. It's been 5 months since my last post. I promise to do another one this week while I'm on vacation and catch you up on the summer and fall. But for now, I will tell you all about our Christmas vacation. Much to everyone not wanting me to drive to PA by myself with Olivia, I did it. Proud that I made it there and back without having a breakdown. I really wished Patrick could be on this trip with us. He loved going to PA and loved being with family. He was greatly missed on this trip, as he is every day. Olivia and I left Fond du Lac on Saturday, December 21st in the morning and drove to Toledo, OH. We stopped in Lake Forrest, IL for lunch and another break in OH. We unfortunately had bad rain in IL, IN and until we stopped in OH. It was hard to see, especially when there are tons of semis on the main highway. Then it started getting dark out. By then I wanted to check into a hotel, but there ...