1,096 Days

Dear Patrick, It has been 1,096 days since you left us. In some ways it seems like a life time ago and other days it seems just like yesterday. A lot has happened in 3 years. Olivia was born and is growing into a beautiful girl. Our friends have gotten married and had kids. New songs have come out that you would have loved. I've been to Pearl Jam concerts. You've missed our Sunday night dinners with family. You've missed our celebrations and holidays. We have a new house and a different car. I gave your car to someone who needed it. You've missed 3 birthdays. So many other things. But most of all, you've been missed as a dad, husband, brother, son, son-in-law, brother-in-law, nephew, cousin and friend. My life was forever changed at 12:40 a.m. on July 22nd, 2010. Watching the heart surgeon make his way into the waiting room. I knew....