I miss him...

I really miss him. Thanksgiving. This was Patrick's favorite holiday. He loved gathering around the table with family and enjoying a nice day. He loved the food. We all know that. He'd pile his plate up 2 layers high full of food. That bothered me, because his food was touching each other AND the cranberry sauce was all over the plate and being soaked up by a roll. He would then tease me that I ate one kind of food at a time, turned my plate to get to the next one, until it was gone. He loved hanging out in the basement after dinner, watching football with my dad. He loved hanging out with the family and enjoying every moment. I missed that a lot this year. I missed him on Thanksgiving. Decorating the house and tree for the holidays. I miss coming home to a fully decorated house and tree (except for some ornaments for me to hang). He loved getting the house to look like Christmas. He loved sur...