Important dates in November

In less than one week, the 2 most important dates in my life happen.

November 9th, 2010.
Olivia Marie Patrick Blessing was born at 2:50am at 7lbs 13oz and 19.5" in Fond du Lac, WI.  Notice the time she was born at?  2:50am? It was a perfect day.  I had the support of my mom and sister-in-law Shauna in the delivery room and family ready to help.

On Monday at 1pm, Dad stopped by for his almost daily "check in" on me.  I was laying on the couch, because I wasn't feeling the best after lunch.  I sat up and that's when my water started to break.  I called Shauna to ask her if it was really happening and then called my doctor.  They advised me to come right on up to Labor and Delivery to check in.  My Dad was calmly freaking out at this time, hoping nothing was going to happen until we got to the hospital.  I then proceeded to finish packing last minute items, doing my hair and make up...and of course shaving.  (You moms out there know why)  There was no way I was going into delivery not looking decent.  You always see awesome pictures of moms after delivery looking so good like nothing happened.  I wanted to be that mom, too.

So, around 2pm, we packed the truck up and headed over to St. Agnes.  I was also praying that nothing would "happen" on my walk up there.  As we checked in, I got the room ready and they got me ready.  I was only able to walk around for a short time before I was hooked up to Pitocin.  It was a slow labor at that time.  I started getting stronger contractions around 5 or so.  The whole time before that, it was just stronger Braxton Hicks contractions. My parents, sister, brother and family were there for support. I got the epidural at 6:15pm.  Shawn and Christine stopped by a short time later to visit.  I told them I'd call them before work or so, because the doctors didn't expect me to deliver until morning or late morning.

From 6pm until 9pm, they kept increasing the Pitocin doses, as nothing was happening.  I was still at 3cm.  They upped it around 10, when I was 4cm.  Then an hour later I was at 6, an hour after that I was at 9+.  At 1:25am they started getting everything ready for delivery.  Now it actually started to seem real that I was finally about to meet my daughter.  I started pushing at 1:35am and delivered Olivia at 2:50am.  The only complication was that the umbilical cord was wrapped tightly around her neck and several times around her body.  The doctor was concerned, but played it cool.  She had to cut the umbilical cord twice to get her untangled!  As soon as she came out, she let out a big cry.  I was relieved.  She was here.  I was so happy to see her.  A wave of emotion came across me.  I was hoping that Patrick was there with me the whole time and he got to see her.  He would be so proud. 

Moments after she was born.

She was then cleaned up, dressed and put in my arms.  They put a hat on her to keep warm.  Someone knit them and donated the hats to Labor and Delivery.  There were so many colors that were made.  Guess what color Olivia's hat was?  Purple.  Yup, that's right...Purple.

Olivia Marie Patrick Blessing
November 9th, 2010 forever changed my life.  And my sleeping patterns.

November 15th, 2008.
The next date that forever changed my life was November 15, 2008.  My wedding day.

I loved how he looked at me that day. 

Today would have been our 2 year anniversary.  I was lucky enough to have Patrick as my partner for 8 years and as a husband for 1 year and 8 months.  He was the best thing that has ever happened to my life, along with Olivia.  We were perfect for each other.  We loved each other so much.  He treated me like a queen from the day I met him.  He was a gentleman. He was a comedian.  He was my husband.

Today was a tough day.  I only got to celebrate one wedding anniversary with my husband. 
Picture from our 1 year anniversary photo shoot at Holy Hill.

I was thankful  today to have my daughter in my arms.  I was thankful today to have my mom and dad help around the house and with Olivia.  I was thankful today to have my sister-in-law by my side most of the day helping with my appointments.  I was thankful  to have friends and family checking in with me with phone calls, texts, emails and messages.  There are a lot of things I'm thankful for.  I just wish I could be thankful to have Patrick healthy and in my life.  But I guess I am thankful that he is not in pain anymore and is watching over us.  He is our angel.  He is our Blessing from above.  He is still my husband.  He is finally a dad.


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