
Showing posts from August, 2011


  The Zimmerman Family Last week the Zimmerman family was on vacation.  I like to call it time away from work and not vacation.  When Olivia can take care of herself or I'm not with her, then it's vacation.  I did get to lay out when she was napping and got to have a few Bloody Mary's and wine, too.  It was a blast to spend the week with everyone and watch the kids have so much fun. Grandma on her 60th Grandpa with Eli and O Rachel making O laugh Shauna and Kate Olivia LOVES playing in the sand and water!  Grandpa, Uncle Mike, Grandma and Cara all swam with her.  I wasn't about to take my cover up off and show off the bod quite yet.  It does suck being the fat person on a summer vacation by at least 25 to 50 pounds.  Next year will be my year.  Everyone will say, who is that with the six pack?  No, the answer isn't Mike carrying down a 6 pack of Miller Lite either.  It will be my abs!...

Nine Months Old...

Well, Miss O is now 9 months old.  Today we had her check up. She is 19 pounds 8 ounces-62% 29" long-91% She is right on track with her gross and fine motor skills.  Taking after her mommy with a jabber mouth, according to Dr. Don. She has been crawling EVERYWHERE!  Crawling around, on top of, under, etc.  She loves to go fast to get somewhere.  She's also pulling herself up on EVERYTHING.  Including her crib.  She thinks it's funny when I walk in to get her in the morning and she's looking up at me and laughing.  Look at me mom!                                                    A few weeks ago, I got to meet up with some old high school friends for dinner and a few drinks and LOTS of laughs...