
 The Zimmerman Family

Last week the Zimmerman family was on vacation.  I like to call it time away from work and not vacation.  When Olivia can take care of herself or I'm not with her, then it's vacation.  I did get to lay out when she was napping and got to have a few Bloody Mary's and wine, too.  It was a blast to spend the week with everyone and watch the kids have so much fun.

Grandma on her 60th
Grandpa with Eli and O
Rachel making O laugh

Shauna and Kate

Olivia LOVES playing in the sand and water!  Grandpa, Uncle Mike, Grandma and Cara all swam with her.  I wasn't about to take my cover up off and show off the bod quite yet.  It does suck being the fat person on a summer vacation by at least 25 to 50 pounds.  Next year will be my year.  Everyone will say, who is that with the six pack?  No, the answer isn't Mike carrying down a 6 pack of Miller Lite either.  It will be my abs!  LOL.
O finding sand
her new chew toy
Swimming with Uncle Mike

Thursday, the day we got back from vacation, was quickly consumed by unpacking my FULL car, 4 loads of laundry, hitting the grocery store and making food for the next day.  Because, as we all knew, it was a surprise party for my mom!  So Friday was spent by repacking my car, trying to figure out how to shove 10 balloons in my car while holding Olivia.  The lady in the parking lot sitting in her car had to be laughing at me.  I was laughing at myself.  OK, I was swearing.  But from far away it could look like laughing.

Mom surprised by her friends
O and I then headed out to my parents and she was in her stroller or exersaucer all day.  Annie and I then put our Martha Stewart hats on and went to work!  We had the table set, a tent outside, 46 (well when I moved my car in the driveway, that number turned into 45.   More even if you ask me) luminaries lining the LONG driveway, all the candles lit, etc.  Again, it was 85* outside, so a little warm for working.  We then had to wait for the guest of honor to arrive.  I think she was surprised.  We had a lot of fun that night and it was nice to celebrate my mom's 60th birthday.
The food for the party

The tent set up in the backyard

Shauna made a video and we all cried:(

Mom and her friends for over 30 years

blowing out her candles.  Olivia was amazed.
Mom getting love from O.
Grandma getting a pat on her back from O

The 3 girls

Mom with Martha Stewart #1 and #2.

Olivia was tuckered out from partying!

Saturday Olivia and I went to the Outlet Mall in Oshkosh, coupons in hand.  She got a dress for Aunt Cara's wedding/Christmas, I got a dress for rehearsal dinner, Halloween outfit for O, an Eddie Vedder style jacket for me AND 5 pairs of boots/shoes.  2 of them were free and the 3rd was 50% off.  How can you pass that deal up?  I'm set for work shoes and maybe a night out on the town:)

Sunday I headed down to my house in Wauwatosa.  My cousin moved out the day before and had it all cleaned up nice.  All I had to do was staging, patching the holes from our nails and weeding.  Only a couple hours max, right?  Yeah, that was not the case.  I made the same fricken mistake that Patrick and I did when we first moved in.  The wall in the dining room was painted green and the paint I used, didn't quite match.  So, for the 2nd time in 4 years, that wall was painted again.  I think there are 4 colors and 10 coats on that wall.  It's pretty thick now.  So, the house ready again for an open house.  I also buried a St. Joseph Statue by the for sale sign and said the prayer it came with.  I know it's  an old wives tale or whatever, but I'll have the Queen of England or the Pope come to sell this house.  I just hope I don't lose all my money I've saved over 10 years by selling this.  That would be a shame.  We'll just have to see.  So, if anyone has a prayer list or is tight with 'ole JC (as Patrick said in his blog), please throw 2556 N. 62nd onto that list for a quick sell AND for asking price. LOL   Why can't Oprah just come in and save the day?  She could buy my house and then pay me a salary every year so I can stay home with Olivia as a stay at home mom?  She has extra money.  Why not me?  Oh, put that on your prayers, too.  Oprah helping O and Mom. 

Olivia is continuing to amaze me.  She is now saying "wow" in a sing songy voice.  She stood by herself last night for  5 seconds, without knowing it.  She gives lots of love now and will pat you on the back.  That's the best one so far. 

This weekend is my nephew and Godson's 5th birthday.  I can't wait to celebrate with him and see his smiles.  Last year he got Patrick's tackle box for part of his present.  This year, he is old enough to get an invite from Aunt Christy

Have a great rest of the week!


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