Nine Months Old...

Well, Miss O is now 9 months old.  Today we had her check up.

She is 19 pounds 8 ounces-62%
29" long-91%
She is right on track with her gross and fine motor skills.  Taking after her mommy with a jabber mouth, according to Dr. Don.

She has been crawling EVERYWHERE!  Crawling around, on top of, under, etc.  She loves to go fast to get somewhere.  She's also pulling herself up on EVERYTHING.  Including her crib.  She thinks it's funny when I walk in to get her in the morning and she's looking up at me and laughing.  Look at me mom!

A few weeks ago, I got to meet up with some old high school friends for dinner and a few drinks and LOTS of laughs.  It was so good to see everyone.  I missed you all so much!
Dinner at Main Exchange

Almost 2 weeks ago, we had my sister's first bridal shower.  Of course Martha Stewart (my mom) and friends put on quite a show.  Every event has to be one up from the last.  Please don't expect that when you come to Olivia's 1st birthday party.  I'll have a cake, snacks and a party hat for you.  That's about it.

The Cousins:Shauna, Me, Cara, Alissa, Tracy and Meghan


At night.

                                               Olivia laughing at the balloons at the shower.

This past weekend was Relay for Life in Fond du Lac.  Our team was Annie's Angels.  (after my Aunt Annie who is a Thyroid Cancer Survivor).  We all wore our Diane Blaine shirts in memory of her battle she lost last September to Breast Cancer.  We miss her smiling face.  This year our team hit an all time high of over $2800!!!  Fondy raised a total of $314,000 for cancer.  Very proud of our community.
Annie's Angels

My luminary for Patrick

Tomorrow we leave for the cottage for a week.  Every year our family rents a cottage somewhere.  This has been a tradition since my dad was a kid.  This year we are going to a friend's cottage (home) in Waupaca on the chain of lakes.  I'm so excited to sit (chase Olivia) in the sun, go on a boat ride (hold Olivia so she doesn't jump in), have a few drinks (after I put O to bed), sit (rock Olivia to sleep) by the campfire, go for walks (with the stroller) in the woods and sleep in until past 7.  This year is a little different than last year.  I was 8 months pregnant at the cottage.  Beached whale to be exact.
This year is going to be different.  I have someone else to take care of, I can drink, I won't be able to relax until after 8pm, Patrick is still not here with us and I won't be able to pig out because I'm on a stupid diet.  I will have a fun time no matter what. I'm looking forward to being on vacation.  A lot.
8 mos pregnant with Olivia

I will leave you with Olivia's "new thing".  She pretends she's Darth Vader.


  1. Your little girl is adorable! I wish you all the best at the cottage. It sounds like a great time. I wish I had a place to like that!


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