
I know, I know...it's been 2 months since my last post.  I've been super busy and didn't have much to write home about.  Here is a list of things that has been going on in our lives lately.  Enjoy.

Made an offer on the house and was accepted 2 days later (on Patrick's birthday)!!!  We had a nice birthday party for my mom and remembered Patrick with a lantern in the sky.  Our tradition.

The next week, Rachel, Eli, Olivia and I had a fun day!  We went to a few parks, Dairy Queen and then out for supper.  We had so much fun and they were such good kids.
Eli, Olivia and Rachel at the Lighthouse

Eating at DQ

Sharing a Blizzard with mommy

Just hanging around!

I then got to take my first "vacation" this year.  I took my parents and Olivia to the Dells for 2 nights.  It was such a nice time.  Great weather, food, drinks, swimming and even a little relaxing.


Looking at the ducks with Grandma

Hugging her new Minnie Mouse from Grandpa


I then started packing.  I knew I had to be ready to go in 2 weeks...ugh.  I hate packing.  I hate moving and I hate the whole process.  Especially by yourself and without your husband there.  I was lucky enough to have my family there to help pack, move and unpack.  Especially  my parents.  They did most of it and way more than I did.  It was hard working full time and then doing all of this at the same time.  There wasn't enough time in the day.  BUT, it got done and we are almost there.  Just need to get a few rooms painted before Olivia's party.

We closed on the 10th and I was able to start moving some things.  Later that day, I had 12 men from Patrick's fraternity show up and help me move.  They got so much done!!  I was so thankful for all the help they gave us.  Thank you Merriman boys!
On the 15th we had movers take care of all the heavy/big stuff.  It was still a lot.  Thankful I didn't have to do it. 
That Monday, there was a nice article in the paper about the Merriman helping us move.  I talked with the reporter for quite some time and wasn't sure why she was asking all the questions she did.  I just thought that she wanted to know about Patrick and what kind of man he was.  The article ended up being on the front page and continued onto the back and a very long one, too.  I really didn't expect that.  She did a nice job on the article and it gave the fraternity props, too.
Here is the link to the article.

Since then, Olivia and I got sick and are now recovered.  We are settling into our new home and making new memories.  We are getting ready now for her birthday party in less than a month.  Minnie Mouse it is!  Same for Halloween.  She loves Minnie.

Olivia is growing like a weed.  She has a HUGE vocabulary and talks all the time.  Payback, right?  Wonder where she gets her verbal skills from...hmmmm....
She loves playing with her cousins and the kids at school.  She loves her teachers and will soon be moving up to the next class room.  She loves playing outside and helping Grandma and Grandpa in the yard.  Loves going for walks.  She can recognize Eddie Vedder on the radio.  She asks for "Daddy's Song" all the time.  Given to fly and Just breathe.  She loves Sesame Street and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  She loves her babies and playing house.  She loves snuggling with her mommy at night before she goes to bed.  She still loves her NaNa (nuk), but hopefully not for long.  She loves to sing her songs and all the time.  Favorite one is the Alphabet.  Isn't that everyone's favorite?

Getting taller!

Feeding the goat

Smelling the pumpkins

My best friend


  1. Christy - you're such an amazing woman. Olivia's growing so fast, you're doing a great job with her! xoxo

  2. Hi Christy,
    I found your blog through Ferree. What a beautiful family you have:) It's a lot of work with out a husband. I know. I've been there. But you do have God's blessings, so you'll definitely make it! Come visit me sometime on my blog:) Cindy www.widowspursuits.blogspot.com


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