
Olivia and I have been quite busy since my last post.  Mostly driving places.

In October we got Olivia's 2 year pictures taken with Cara.

I had a Pinterest party with my girls.  We each brought food and a craft to do and we had to find it on Pinterest.  We had a great time and stayed up way too late!
Food, wine and crafts

Magnets we made


I've started painting my house, with the help of my parents.  I still have a lot left, but I can do a little at a time.  Hoping to get a lot done during Christmas break.

Olivia had fun on her first "real" Trick or Treating.

Here are some pictures of Olivia's party.  This year we only had close family there.  It was still a lot of people, but nothing like the 60+ that were there last year.

Laughing at the Mickey card Grandma MC got her


Grandma made the cake

 On November 9th, Olivia turned 2!  I can't believe how fast time has gone.  Here is a video I made of her first 2 years.

In the past two weeks, we have been on the road.  It started with Ripon. I finally got to see my 3rd movie in 3 years, Twilight.  Had a great time with the girls.  Then I went up to Appleton and met some girls that I had met on Facebook.  Many of them went to High School with Patrick.  It was so great getting to know them and love their support.  Then while on Thanksgiving break, my mom and I went to Chicago to go to IKEA.  Got some Christmas shopping done. Then I went back to Ripon and had dinner with some friends that were going back to Australia.  Next day I went to have lunch with some great friends in Historic Cedarburg.  Then Olivia and I had lunch with the Blessings in Oshkosh the next day.  This past Friday I went to Appleton and had a wine party with some girls.  Thanks to all the people (Mom, Shauna, Donnie and day care) for allowing me to have some fun here and there.  I really appreciate it. 

Well, hoping to get some cleaning done while Olivia is down for a nap.  It's the only time I don't have a tornado following me while trying to clean.

Looking forward to Christmas this year!


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